Summer Reading Program Kickoff
Kids, teens and adults are invited to sign up for summer reading as well as participate in a range of activities. From 10-11 am meet and greet live animals from Gee Funny Farm. From 11-1 listen to the smooth jazz sounds of Kyle Deschner, purchase lunch from Friends on the Square and Annie’s Burgertown food trucks, buy sweet treats from Seeds of Hope, or make your own s’mores (while supplies last). From 1-1:45 participate in Birds at your Window, an interactive and informational program for families with the Welty Environmental Center.

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 4, 2022
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Saturday, June 4, 10 AM to 2 PM
Matheson Memorial Library, 101 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn
Contact Information
Chad Robinson
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